Should I Have a First Look at My Wedding?

We’ve been finding lately that couples have been doing first looks, more than ever before!

Before we begin let's clarify by saying that a first look is when a couple decides to see each other for the first time before their wedding ceremony. Every couple we work with, and every wedding we shoot is always different, and while we recommend doing a first look-- for all the reasons you'll read listed out in this post-- it's in no way a make or break for us. Again, every wedding, every couple, and every person is different so while it’s one of our favourite things it may not necessarily be right for you or something you’re interested in, and that’s ok! It’s by no means a make or break for us!

The general rule of thumb used to be that a bride and groom can't see each other until their ceremony, but so many couples now are deciding to forego tradition and are spending time with each other throughout the day or even getting ready together. Because the times are a changin’ and you're probably on the fence about whether or not you should have a first look at your wedding (hence reading this, right?) so we're listing out a few reasons on why you should have a first look on your wedding day!

Continue reading more below…



A lot of people think that doing a first look will take away the emotional reaction of seeing your significant other for the first time at the ceremony and while we can't say that there is or isn't a definitive answer (it's different for everyone and that's ok!) we can tell you that from our experience the magic. is. still. there. Some people actually prefer to see each other privately and get those emotions out before standing in front of your nearest and dearest.

In truth, you're actually going to have a lot of emotions on your wedding day: anxiousness, excitement, nervousness, being overwhelmed, the list goes on and on. If your partner is the one person in this world who knows how to calm you like no other, this first look will allow you to see each other and take some time to put those bubbling emotions aside, so that when you finally do walk down the aisle, you’re calm, cool, and collected.


Another big reason we encourage couples to do a first look is because it allows for some buffer time into your schedule. We recommend 15 minutes for your first look which of course is way more time than you actually need, but it gives you both an opportunity to take a few minutes with each other and should things end up running behind- it's ok because you've scheduled that little bit of extra time (which with a wedding day every minute counts!) Also depending on the time of your wedding it might make more sense to have your couples session and family photos before the ceremony and so a first look becomes the perfect opportunity to kick start your day with your soon-to-be husband/wife.

Rachel + Brandon (above) decided that they wanted to spend their cocktail hour, after the ceremony, present and with all of their guests so shooting their first look, couples session, and family photos all happened before their ceremony. All throughout the evening they kept saying that they were so happy to have gotten all of those photos done beforehand!


A first look doesn’t have to be just with your significant other, it can be with your parents and bridal party too! Give your girlfriends a little surprise by finally revealing the dress you’ve been keeping secret all summer, or get emotional and have a little moment with your parent before they finally walk you down the aisle! You’re sure to be a big hit on your wedding day no matter who you ‘reveal’ yourself to, and tears are almost always guaranteed!

Above: Allie and her dad did a first look after she finished getting ready and it was emotional / Karen had her mom help her get into her wedding dress so she did a reveal with her bridesmaids and the excitement (and tears) that filled the room after was nothing short of great!


When you're walking down the aisle at your ceremony you'll have so many people watching and looking at you. Having a first look will allow you to see your other half for the first time alone. In our opinion, there's more magic and more intimacy in being alone than trying to keep it cool in front of all of your friends and family. A large part of expressing your emotions is- naturally- touching. It's strange to be typing, and maybe even strange to read at first, but having your first look beforehand allows for you to touch and embrace each other for a few minutes. You finally get to show your fiancé(e) the dress you've been keeping a secret, you can quickly talk about how crazy the morning has been, and even express how excited you are for the rest of the night to come!

Even following the ceremony so many people will want to congratulate you it's difficult to get away and have a few minutes just to yourselves; a first look allows you both to decompress, alone, before things get hectic.


What are your thoughts- are you for or against a first look? Past brides, did you have a first look- why or why not, and are you happy that you did or didn't? Share your thoughts with us down below!