Reena & Nishil's At Home Winter Engagement Session


A winter storm, an at home cuddle session, and then going for pizza is our new favourite way to shoot an engagement session!

Shooting an engagement session in winter always feel so limiting; it’s grey and drab outside, your summer glow has faded, it’s cold, really really cold, and no one really wants to do anything right? Wrong! When Reena & Nishil said they wanted to shoot their engagement session in January we were super excited and immediately got to brainstorming. An at-home session is what made the most sense, but hanging out at home for 2 hours doing the same thing, just in different outfits, can feel repetitive, so when Reena suggested going out to a restaurant we were like you are a genuis, let’s do it! At first we were thinking maybe a brunch spot, but considering they live in Downtown Toronto and we were shooting on a Saturday we figured it might be a little too hectic and crowded to comfortably and successfully accomplish. After thinking some more, R+N decided they wanted to go to their favourite local pizza joint, General Assembly, which tbh I’ve been meaning to go to so it was a good opportunity to scout it out beforehand ;)

The day of our shoot ended up being the first “snowstorm” of the winter, there was an expected 10cm of snow that was supposed to fall throughout the day but I think it ended up only being about 5cm, but it nonetheless worked out in our favour! It made shooting at home feel that much cozier and being outside and at the restaurant much quieter because a lot of people were staying home!

These two got comfortable and cuddled up on their couch watching their favourite movie Goodfellas (which they already had playing when we arrived!), made their coffee together, and even played some of their favourite tunes on their record player; these are all of the things they normally do together at home and shooting this was a good opportunity to have their engagement photos really encompass who they are together. Before we headed to GA Reena called in their order ahead and asked for it to be ready for when they arrive (they were hungry haha, but also so when we arrive we can just shoot for a bit and then leave them to eat in peace instead of lingering around awkwardly waiting for their pizzas to come out).

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