Karen & Alex's Polish Wedding in Roncesvalles


Karen & Alex’s wedding was beyond what we expected…

We knew it was going to be fun, we knew it was going to be filled with so much love, we knew it was going to be beautiful but what didn’t know was how fun, loving, and beautiful it actually ended up being! Let’s start from the beginning: Karen spent the morning getting ready at her and Alex’s Bloor West apartment with her bridal party, siblings and parents. When I (Stef) got there, everyone was coming back from their beauty appointment, kind of scrambling around (as everyone does) because it was time for everyone to put on their finishing touches and get dressed! Seeing this little transformation is one of my favourite parts of the morning; all of the girls getting into their dresses, bowties being tied, jewellery, and then the final look at yourself in the mirror before the last ‘ah i’m finally done’ sigh of relief. When all of the girls were finally ready Karen did her own reveal to everyone in her wedding dress and was met with the biggest smiles from her family and bridal party, and even some tears!

The guys on the other hand, as per always, got ready in maybe 10 seconds flat so instead of going to their hotel, Ethan met them at the church and they walked around Roncesvalles shooting various formal group photos, but most importantly their fake cover art for their upcoming hot new albums- they’re seriously some of our favourite photos from the day!

Their ceremony took place in Roncesvalles at St. Casmir’s Church. It was short and sweet- especially considering the priest gave us the shorter version haha- but it was long enough that we were able to run around and shoot from so many different angles to truly cover everything, which is something we don’t usually get the opportunity to do!

Click through the photos below to enlarge and browse through…

Leading up to their wedding we weren’t sure if the weather was going to hold, so Karen decided to book a studio space

This was a great option because 1. it was so beautiful (as you’ll see) and 2. on the chance that it did end up raining we had a plan in place. We were so taken back by the studio (OBJX Studio)- we were actually supposed to have access to the whole studio space but it was double booked and we were limited to just one of the smaller rooms. No problem though because despite how crowded the room was with everyone there, everything still worked out and looked incredibly stunning! Seriously, we are obsessed! The all white walls allowed for everything and everyone in front of them to pop, especially Karen’s makeup and flowers which featured touches of pink and purple tones.

Click the photos below to enlarge and browse through…

We don’t usually split our packages but there was a 2hr gap from when we finished shooting the family formals to when the reception started

And considering everything was so incredibly close to our home we made an exception for Karen & Alex. We reconvened at Trident Banquet Hall later in the evening after dinner had wrapped- which was kind of great because we got to go home, back up our work from the morning, make our own food, and relax a bit- before we went back and hit the ground dancing! In traditional Polish fashion there was a ton of Polka dancing- Alex even took lessons beforehand!- and Karen’s dad performed a few of his own hits from when he used to be in a professional wedding band! The night was filled with so much dancing and laughter which is exactly how we like to end the evening.